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Everything posted by chahath

  1. When I was younger, and therefore had less access to multiple games (say Christmas and birthday presents exclusively), I always finished games that I started. Beyond simply getting to the end, I also typically completed most or all side quests/optional content. I imagine this had a lot to do with not having anything else to play. Now that I'm a full-fledged adult and can (and do) purchase any game I'm interested in, I'm sitting on a few hundred Steam games, and a dozen or more PS4 and Xbox titles that I haven't gotten around to even starting. Now not having enough time to start games isn't that unusual; I have significantly less free time now than I did when I was in school, as well as other responsibilities, but of the games I start I finish maybe 10% of them. The last game I remember getting to the end of (not even 100%) was Fallout New Vegas. In the past 2-3 years I have started, really enjoyed, and then not finished: Borderlands 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Stacking, Burnout Paradise, Halo 3/ODST/CE Anniversary, Lego Star Wars Complete Saga, Uncharted 4, Far Cry 4, Fable 3, and Arkham Knight. And those are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head. For each of them I'd say I got anywhere from 50-80% of the way through the entire story line before stopping. I certainly put enough hours into the above games to feel as though I got my money's worth, but not seeing the end of those stories sometimes nags at the back of my mind.
  2. chahath

    Top 5 Games

    What is your favorite game that doesn't get as much love as it should? Mine would have to be Faeria, a free card game that has a wonderful art style and is a blast to play. (It's very different from your run-of-the-mill TCG) Kinda like Settlers of Catan and HS had a beautiful game-child. Show your favorite game some love!
  3. Pentru mine sunt Battlefield V și Rainbow Six Siege. Battlefield V Am descoperit că sistemul de reproducere este oribil. Sunt fie blocat, așteptând un bun punct spawn departe de dușmani, sau trebuie să plec și să fiu ucis instantaneu. De asemenea, am urât câți gloanțe este nevoie pentru a ucide pe cineva. Jocul joacă de fapt bine și arată minunat, dar nu mă satisface deloc pentru a juca deloc. Chiar mi-aș dori să fiu chiar decent pe jumătate, pentru că într-adevăr vreau să joc jocul, dar nu pot. Rainbow Six Siege - Acest joc doar nu face clic cu mine din vreun motiv. Nu am idee cum să folosesc clasele. De parcă mă deranjez total de unde și când mă gândesc la baricadă și cât vreau să-mi plac acest joc, nu aș putea să mă pricep niciodată. Sunt un mare fan de shooter online și vreau să iubesc aceste jocuri, dar nu pot pentru viața mea.
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