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Posts posted by [RO]Dusmanu

  1. Pffff...am citit toate paginile...si am vazut care e copil, care n-a vazut in viata lui o .... si care e mai normal....eu unul nu mai sunt virgin dintr-a 10-a... am mai avut o sansa intr-a 9-a dar eram mai mic si mam speriat de p***a nu rade-ti .. ;) credeam ca o sa ma doara si nah...stiti si voi...nu doare este chiar cea mai tare senzatie de pe pamant...

  2. PRO la amandoua dar paginile sunt pline de sugestii unele chiar extrem de bune si nimeni nu face nimic....doar voteaza pro/contra...oricum stiti ca nu se baga nu vad de ce mai face-ti aceste sugestii...

  3. Totul mergea atat de perfect incat Idlewood a devenit unul dintre cele mai mari cartiere din Los Santos, da, aici este locul in care mam nascut, tata avea o slujba normala de reporter iar mama trebuia sa stea cu mine ca sa nu fac vre`o belea. Dar iata ca intr-o zi uite ca s-a intamplat ca tata sa aiba un inverviu cu seful gangului Crips, insa la sfarsit tata a fost omorat. Toata viata mea am incercat sa intru in Bloods ca sa incerc sa elimin Crips din Los Santos insa nu am reusit si am decis sa urmez calea tatalui. Totul mergea bine ajunsesem co-lider urma sa fiu lider insa am avut de ales intre Lider si Blood's asa ca am decis sa duc la capat ce mi-am dorit de mic copil. Am intrat in Bloods am stat destul demult incat sa fiu ales co-lider, seful era eliminat insa am decis ca am nevoie de o familie si deci de bani, nu puteam sa traiesc doar din furturi asa ca am hotarat sa intru inr-o mafie italiana numita La Cosa Nostra. Fiind acceptat de Stix si trecand probele cu brio am decis ca aici este locul meu si nu aveam de gand sa ma mai mut vre-o data. Am ajutat un prieten sa devina co-lider si ma simt bine cand pot ajuta pe cineva o fac cu mare placere. Acum traiesc in aceeasi familie si ma simt atat de bine incat nu cred ca o voi parasii vreo-data.


    Acesta sunt eu si nu multe lucruri m-a schimba.

  4. Konami


    Horror Action Adventure

    Release: Oct 31, 2009

    ESRB: Mature

    Visit the official web site at:




    Jigsaw has killed your partner and destroyed your life. Now he has trapped you in an abandoned insane asylum that he alone controls. If you can defeat his brutal traps and survive, you may just discover the truth behind what drives this twisted serial killer.


    SAW is a third-person perspective, survival horror game based on the SAW film franchise, which has grossed more than $665M worldwide and sold more than 28 million DVDs. The game features many of the deadly mechanical traps seen in the film, as well as terrifying new ones. Players will pit their wits against Jigsaw as they navigate his world in an attempt to evade and escape his gruesome traps, while also struggling against his minions in brutal combat by using weapons found within the environment.

    SAW, the video game, is based on a treatment from Zombie Studios and the creators of the SAW franchise, Leigh Whannell and James Wan.










  5. Activision Blizzard

    Bizarre Creations


    Release: TBA 2010

    Visit the official web site at:




    The game drops players into heart-pumping, electrified racing action with 20 cars on a track all targeting the finish line and battling each other as they trade paint and collect intense power-ups, including the ability to blast other cars out of the way with huge bursts of energy, boost their speed, and more.


    While controlling photo realistic cars, gamers can use offensive and defensive attacks as they battle for the lead and careen through real-world track locations ranging from L.A. and San Francisco to the streets of Hackney, UK and the treacherous roads of Barcelona, Spain.


    Power-ups: Collect a variety of addictive dynamic Power-ups and use them independently or combo them strategically to take out your opponents.

    Real Racing: Dramatic collisions, realistic damage, stunning racing environments, real world locations and more than 55 licensed photo-realistic cars from the top manufacturers around the world.

    Social Network: Unique story-driving social network interface evolves as you compete in different races, make new friends, rivals and fans, and connect with other racers both in game and in real life.

    Multi-player: Features online multiplayer supporting competitive and cooperative game play for up to 20 racers and 4 player split-screen.









    More info:


  6. @muzic argumenteaza


    Eu sunt pro dar numai daca atunci cand se da un asemenea ad sa ii apara adminului un flood de 3 randuri: " mai mult de 5 cifre intr-un ad" adminu se uita la ad si atunci ia decizia au fost milioane sau un IP?

  7. Multumesc baieti...


    Intradevar am un PC slab planuiesc sa il imbunatatesc dar nu am bani. Eh am incercat si eu cu rasnita mea acuma ce sa fac...Si Arizona, nu mi-am dat seama cum il fac HD pe youtube.

  8. AJUTORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! buna ma numesc andrei. A am o problema la instalare la gta san andreas online am pus mouseul pe download si l-am tras pe primu clientul am asteptata sa se instaleze apoi lam deeschis am dat run apoi i gree si akolo trebuia sa aleg unde sal pun am spatiu 11 gb in C avea folderul deja bagat am incercat sa dua pe instal dar nu merge nu ma lasa prima data cand l-am tras zicea antivirusul ca are un folder din program files un virus ma intrebat dak restartez acum am dat da s-a restatrtat si dupa aia nu mergea instalul ma puteti ajuta? va rog mult


    deci trebuie sal am si pe primul celalalt?? ca sami mearga? ca am toate sidiurile de la celalalt da cd 4 nu merge trebuie sa-l am pe primu si bag clientul asta in el?


    alta problema ce in puii mei e atat de complicat jocu asta merge intra in el .dau la start game .dau pe new game se face alb ecranu simi iese,daca intru normal in el merge.X(:))


    all daca-mi cere cd/dvd la joc cei fac? are nevoie de crak? si undel gs ca pe net imi da tot jocu cu cracu bagat [paranteza de la mine: :))] in el nu stau sa trag iar jocu
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